My husband travels for work frequently. I started realizing in the year and a half we've been married that when he's gone my house is so clean!
Now before you start thinking this is a husband bashing post stay with me!
After my realization I started nagging him a lot more. No shoes on the floor, close the doors to the cabinets, pick up your clothes off the floor, don't leave dishes in the sink, etc. (You know every husband's worst nightmare) I was focusing on all the extra work I was having to do. But then God sweetly reminded me of something I read in a book one time. It said something to the effect... snoring is music to a widow's ears. A new perspective enters..
Honestly I would rather spend an extra 15 minutes total a day doing those extra things if it meant my husband was home with me. It is an honor to pick up the shoes of the man that selflessly works hard to provide a good home for his family. It is an honor to hear him snoring next to me because I know that he is there. It is an honor to clean up after the man that loved me so much he changed jobs to be home more. I appreciate everything that he daily does to help me and love me. I am blessed far beyond what I deserve to be married to a man such as him.
Thank you Lord for the gift you gave me in my husband. Remind me daily to look for ways to serve and honor him.
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