Jun 6, 2009

we are home

Little man is amazing and being a mother is amazing. It's better than what I could have ever imagined. Hubby is incredible as a dad. I'm  so proud of him! It's good to have both my boys under one roof. We were discharged at 3 on thursday. I am feeling so much better. I think that being at home has a lot to do with that. My levels were up on thursday and I go back in monday for a follow up visit with my doctor. Not for one second am I going to take what happened for granted. God revealed himself in many intimate ways. Those are moments I will hold close. I am thankful for the many people that lifted us up in prayer. God was faithful to hear those prayers.
Now I'm going to get back to eating breakfast with my little man. I can't wait to share with him his miraculous beginnings and about the God that made it happen! 

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