Aug 25, 2010

My sweet boy

It absolutely blows my mind that I have an almost 15 month old. Last year at this time we were still in the new baby stage and look at my son now! He's practically running, talking, getting into everything, and he can't get enough of  books.

My sister and I went out last week and finally had his official 1 year shoot. Here are a few from his shoot.


He's a little boy in every way. He was picking up sticks, rocks, and anything else he could find.


This week he's been asserting himself and testing his boundaries. Oh yes it's been fun hearing my sweet boy look at me and say "Nanana" which translates into "No, no, no" and watching him throw his cute little self on the floor in defiance. But in that moment he's not so cute.


And he's not even two yet.


  1. The strong will of a boy.. they tend to always start early- trust me after 5 boys each one has done the same thing before two. The things he has to know is that he has an even stronger willed mother and father.

    Be STRONG mom- even when you have no energy to do so... We are bring forth men for God's kingdom. Strong obedient to God, Loving, saviors for their wives, men. (what a great calling- for him, and even greater calling for you!)

    He really is such a doll- those big eyes melt my heart! Enjoy before you know it he will be 20 years old(like mine will be in October.)


  2. He is so sweet! I love the photos--absolutely precious! The first is my favorite. :-)

  3. the smart ones always start early :)

  4. Such sweet photos!
    I know all about "Nanana." Brad says "No" quite clearly now but I distinctly remember him saying it the way Little Man says it now. :)

  5. Time flies, doesn't it?! So stinkin' cute!

  6. ahhhh - yes, it just breaks my heart to see my sweet baby start to be defiant. It just kills me to start disciplining but the earlier you start the easier it is later on. Hopefully he'll get it out of his system early! I remember when my little man started to follow the rules and obey me - it was like a major event for us!! No more checking to make sure he wasn't eating dog food or putting pennies into my computer :) I just keep reminding myself that before I know it he'll be four and then all these tantrums and public displays of emotion will soften out :)I just have to hang in there and be patient and try to be consistant.

    Your little man is ADORABLE - love these photos of him!!

  7. I know it's not funny, but I so remember those days! To be honest, I wish my 16 year old would be more vocal rather than holding it all in now since he's a "man".

    Little boys...there's just something about them that's utterly fabulous!


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