Nov 18, 2010

Before/After Blog Hop

Are you glad the weekend is almost here? The weekend before Thanksgiving! There won't be a before/after blog hop next Thursday since it's a holiday but we will return the following week!

  • Use only one picture for your entry. I know we sometimes get excited about sharing but how can we judge the most favorite when you have multiple pictures. 
  • Post your straight out of camera version and then your edited one. This is where you can really share the art of 
  •  photography. 
  • Share with everyone the editing program and equipment used. You don't have to go into a step by step process but I know it's appreciated to see the recipe. 
  • What makes blog hops fun for everyone is when you check out everyone's entries. You are encouraged to stop by others' blogs and be sure to leave some comment love. 
  • I want the voting to be in your hands. So after the blog hop is shutdown (friday evening) come back and vote for the edit you liked the best. 
  • Be sure to link back to Pixel Perfect Blog so others can join in on the fun! 

landry (1 of 1)


5D Mark II and edited with CS4. I brightened the photo and aged it. I also added the black background by using the select tool and changing the background to black. When I use my black backdrop I achieve the same result but I didn't have it that day.

*Be sure to link back and have fun! 


  1. Monica, believe it or not I did not even notice the change in the background. It just looked like it was always there. After I read what you did I had to go back to see. :) It looks great!

  2. So what you did with
    the background!

  3. Oh, Monica... this is precious! Great job!

  4. I really like the black background-what a great idea!

  5. what a little princess!! Great shot!

  6. Subtle. Beautiful. As always. (Do you ever get tired of hearing that?) ;)

    How did you age it? Is it an action? Or is it simpler than that? I use Elements 6 for Mac, so most actions are unavailable to me, and I also like learning how the programs and actions work so I try to do it all "from scatch". Any tips? Thanks.

  7. That's just superb Monica. It looks like a picture on a birthday card.

    leavesnbloom photography blog

  8. such an adorable photo - fabulous edit!

  9. Oh, I have to remember this next time, this is a fantastic idea, I love it!!!


Thanks for leaving a comment! If you have any questions be sure to email me!

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