Dec 2, 2010

Before/After Blog Hop

Now that our bellies our stuffed with turkey and dressing, it's time to hang the garland and put up the Christmas tree. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! It's time for some blog hopping fun.

Last before/after blog hop I loved Lindsay's edit from Snapshots of Happiness blog.

  • Use only one picture for your entry. I know we sometimes get excited about sharing but how can we judge the most favorite when you have multiple pictures. 
  • Post your straight out of camera version and then your edited one. This is where you can really share the art of 
  •  photography. 
  • Share with everyone the editing program and equipment used. You don't have to go into a step by step process but I know it's appreciated to see the recipe. 
  • What makes blog hops fun for everyone is when you check out everyone's entries. You are encouraged to stop by others' blogs and be sure to leave some comment love. 
  • I want the voting to be in your hands. So after the blog hop is shutdown (friday evening) come back and vote for the edit you liked the best. 
  • Be sure to link back to Pixel Perfect Blog so others can join in on the fun! 


sraderfamily (29 of 40)

sraderfamily (29 of 40)b&W

This shot is great in color but I LOVE it in black and white! 5D mark II, 50mm, and edited with CS4. I brightened the photo, sharpened, and warmed the tones. Then I converted it to black and white and upped the contrast. 

Now it's your turn to show off your great editing skills! 

*Does anyone use noiseware software? Can you answer this blogger's question


  1. That's a beautiful edit. Can't choose which I like better!

  2. Gorgeous photo. I love them both.

  3. He's a cutie! His eyes are beautiful, especially in your edit. Great job! I love the black & white, too.

  4. I love the warmth the color edit brings to his eyes! Beautiful.

    Thanks for the compliment on my photo. I just love that one too. I even bought it a frame. :)

  5. I love your edit - you've added so much warmth to the shot. And the black and white conversion is really nice too!

  6. I love both your edits...such a warm edit!

  7. Wow…you did a great job with adjusting the lighting. Both of the edits look amazing.

  8. I love both but that B&W melts my heart! What a cutie!

  9. ohmygosh. darling.
    I love the color edit, but the B&W make the catch lights in his eyes just pop. Great edits.
    Thanks for hosting the Before & After linky, I look forward to it each week.
    Keeping you and the new little one in my prayers.

  10. Lovely idea I will join in next week. Charmaine

  11. Your photos are always so beautiful! :)
    Thanks for posting my noiseware question too!!! :)


    My vote is for #7-Ramblings and Photos!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Such great photos all around. Can we vote a top 5 :) My favorites were Pasando, Mischief and Laughs, Cottage 960, Captivus Living and Sweet Dreams! It is hard to pick only one from there but I am going with Mischief and Laughs! Great shot!!

  14. I love that second image, how dramatic a change!


Thanks for leaving a comment! If you have any questions be sure to email me!

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