Aug 18, 2011

Before and After Blog Hop

Hi friends! It's Thursday and that means blog hopping time! Invite your friends the more, the merrier.

If you are a new or pro this blog hop is for everyone! 
  • Use only one picture for your entry. I know we sometimes get excited about sharing but how can we judge the most favorite when you have multiple pictures. 
  • Post your straight out of camera version and then your edited one. This is where you can really share the art of 
  •  photography. 
  • Share with everyone the editing program and equipment used. You don't have to go into a step by step process but I know it's appreciated to see the recipe. 
  • What makes blog hops fun for everyone is when you check out everyone's entries. You are encouraged to stop by others' blogs and  leave some comment love. 
  • Yes! You can use this blog hop with other blog hops.
  • Be sure to link back to Pixel Perfect Blog so others can join in on the fun!


Taken with 5D Mark II, and edited with CS4. He had just finished eating strawberries and was outside playing. I cleaned him up in the edit and made it black and white.


  1. Love this shot! It's great in black & white!

  2. Very cute and I love the black and white- it looks great!

  3. Love those shots! I like to take pics and just got a DSLR camera not too long ago. It is LOTS of fun!! Just found you on blog frog!


Thanks for leaving a comment! If you have any questions be sure to email me!

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